The Mind Strength Playbook Foundation

10 Key Principles to Help Unlock & StrengthenĀ Your Mind.


Training 1: Take Ownership of Your Performance

There were two Twin Orphans; one went on and was a tremendous success, and the other never amounted to anything. A reporter caught wind of this and wanted to do a story. She asked the successful brother, "How did this happen?" He responded, "I was an orphan. I had to succeed," and he proceeded to list all the reasons why. She then asked the unsuccessful brother the same question: "How did this happen?" He responded, "I was an orphan. How could I have succeeded?" and proceeded to list all his excuses.

To sum up this training and its teachings, a quote is best: "People who 'Take Ownership' of their lives look for and find solutions. While 'Victim-Minded' people look for and find excuses." This is the first and most foundational step in your Mind-Strength Journey. With this foundational step, growth and positive change are inevitable, and without it, you will surely remain bound.

Training 2: Want Approval. STOP Needing It

"Who cares what they think? I surely do. Every move I've made I thought of the review. How will I look? And what will they say? Will I win their approval and love for one more day? Why do I do this? How can it be? Does it all stem from a deeply rooted lack of love for me? And if this is so, How then do I grow? The answer becomes clear.... start loving the man, who is standing in the mirror." -Luke Falk

Athletes notoriously live on what I call the ā€˜Teeter Totter Trap.ā€™ Their confidence, self-worth, and value shift up when they win, have a good outcome, get approval from others, etc. It goes down when those things donā€™t go their way. This ā€˜Teeter Totter Trapā€™ is a vicious cycle and is a massive cause of low performance that leads to what some call ā€˜choking.ā€™ Through four powerful steps, I will guide youĀ on how to step out of this playground so you can relieve yourself of the exhausting cycle. In applying these steps and skills, you are sure to become a ā€˜self-secureā€™ individual rather than ā€˜approval seekingā€™, leading you to reap the rewards in your performance.Ā 

Training 3: Change Your Thoughts. Change Your Performance.

You're not athletic enough, you don't have a strong enough arm, you can't deliver in the clutch." Say hello to my old 'inner critic.' Thoughts like these were a frequent part of my inner thinking and play a significant role in many athletes' belief systems as well. It wasn't until I brought these thoughts to "light" that they lost their power and hold on me. Through this process, I created the 'Out with the Old and In with the New Exercise.' This exercise will successfully help you create a new and empowering set of beliefs rather than allowing your old unconscious ones to rule your life and performance.

Training 4: Focus and Build Upon Your Strengths

If I gave you a report card with 6 Aā€™s and 1 C, where does your mind or focus go? If I ask an athlete how their performance went, what do you think they usually tell me? They state the negative first and all the things they did wrong. Why? We have been conditioned as a society to find fault and improve our weaknesses. In this training, Iā€™ll show why this is a detriment to performance and a key contributor to what Iā€™ve termed the ā€˜mediocrity loop,ā€™ an inconsistent performance cycle where the athlete oscillates between decent and poor performances. Instead, Iā€™ll guide you using the power of past performances to help generate confidence and build positive intelligence through the ā€˜3-1 Trackerā€™ and much more.Ā 

Training 5: How to Manage/Utilize Game Stress & Nerves

The biggest problem I am asked to solve as a Mind Strength Coach is "How do I get rid of my nerves?" Some athletes initially don't like my answer when I say: "You don't." The look of hope on their face dissipates, but I continue stating, "You manage and utilize them to make them a strength." In martial arts, there is a known practice of using your opponent's energy and weight against them, harnessing it as your offense. The same technique can be used with nerves. This training introduces four steps and techniques that you will make part of your pregame routine to help manage/utilize your inevitable stress & nerves to play at your best when your best is needed.

Training 6: Creating Destination Goals

If you got in a car without an end destination in mind, what would happen? Chances are you would drive around aimlessly and eventually end up back at the same place. Thatā€™s most athletes. They work hard, they put the time in, but to their demise, they end up back at the same place because they have no North Star, no Destination Goals driving their direction. This training outlines a step-by-step method to help you get extremely clear about YOUR goals as well as techniques that can help you start achieving them.








Training 7: Your Destination GoalsĀ Roadmap

Now that you have identified your Destination Goals and found your North Star, the next part of the process is identifying the 'how.' How are you going to get there? Generally, athletes who do create goals don't have an action plan on 'how' to achieve them, so they don't. As my former coaches told me, "A dream without action is just a wish." This training outlines how to break down a big lofty goal, like a big meal, into one bite at a time. It's also comparable to embarking on a big road trip with mile markers along the way - guiding their direction. The Destination Goals RoadmapĀ will be the tool for you to help you act on and accomplish your wildest dreams.





Training 8:Ā The Power of Your Word

One of the easiest ways to gain/lose confidence in yourself is to not follow through on your word. The same happens with the confidence people have in you. If I tell myself Iā€™ll get up at 6 AM and work out and donā€™t, I withdraw from my ā€˜Trust Bankā€™ and no doubt will remember it the next time I commit to something. This process works like a snowball, small at first, but as it continues to roll downhill, it builds up until itā€™s an avalanche and canā€™t be stopped. The snowball can be a force of good; following through on your word is a ā€˜trust depositā€™= confidence gained. Or one that is fatal; not following through on your word is a ā€˜trust withdrawā€™= lack of confidence. The choice is up to you, and the steps in this chapter will drastically improve your follow-through to ensure that the force of good is behind you. Additionally, this chapter introduces the powerful Mind Strength tools of "Stating What You Want" & "Flipping the Statement." The benefit of applying these skills will transform the athlete's thoughts and, in turn, will ultimately positively change their performance.

Training 9: The Play the Next Play Process

Ā Can 1 play = 2? Logic would say no, but reality would say yes. Most athletes allow the previous play to impact the next one. The perpetual cycle of a negative play looks like this: *Bad Play Occurs*

  • The athlete gets mad and then feels guilty, wishing the outcome was different. (Also, worries about how they look)
  • The athleteā€™s mind quickly flips to the future, then fear/worry kicks in that it will happen again.Ā 
  • Lastly, as a result, the present play/moment isnā€™t maximized and is played with timidity or reckless abandon in an attempt to make up for the previous play.

Most athletes have no system to deal with this crippling cycle, that is, until this training session where youā€™ll discover and learn the ā€˜Play the Next Play Process.ā€™

Training 10:Ā There Is No Magic Pill. The 'No Quit Way.'

Napoleon Hill stated this best:Ā "Before success comes to most people, they are sure to meet with much temporary defeat, perhaps some failure."Ā Trials and tribulations are guaranteed to happen in an athlete's life and performance. What separates those who are successful and experience a breakthrough vs. those who don't? They apply the 'No Quit Way.' Through this Mind Strength Skill, athletes will experience what I call their 'Mind Strength Moment.' This is where they are met with so much adversity knocking at their door, where it seems all is lost and defeat is inevitable, but as they continue to display the 'No Quit Way,' a breakthrough is bound to occur.Ā They will taste the rewards of the success they had to endure to earn it. This is such a vital skill for today's generation with the quick-fix, instant-gratification mentality that has become the cultural norm.